"Crave" Hits at Fantastic Fest

“Crave” is the feature directing debut of Charlie de Lauzirika, who’s been one of the top-tier DVD producers for years now. The film was just awarded the Best Director (Next Wave) prize at Fantastic Fest.

Big fan of his work, never met him personally (in reality, anyway, we’d had some friendly interactions on a long-gone movie chat outlet maybe ten years ago) but he’s always struck me as one of the good ones. Good to see him make it.

3 thoughts on “"Crave" Hits at Fantastic Fest

  1. Dominic says:

    As an Australian, it's very cool to watch Josh Lawson, known here for appearing on light-hearted variety and comedy shows, play something vastly different, and play it well. Kudos to him, for that and for picking a project that very clearly does NOT glamourise vigilantism; a good antidote to what we tend to see on the subject. Hope the movie's good, too.


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